STEP 2 OF 2 Please complete the following Compliance Verification Checklist. Select all that apply. Questions * 1. Your business identifies and accurately maintains a data inventory or other written or electronic records of its data collection, sharing and other processing activities. * 2. Your business identifies data collection from California residents in its data inventory or other records of processing activities. * 3. Your business completed a data inventory. * 4. All of the third-parties with whom your organization shares data about California residents meet the requirements related to the processing of personal information. * 5. You have written (or electronic) contracts in place with all third-party service providers that require them to assist your organization in meeting its obligations with respect to the individual privacy rights. * 6. Your privacy policy covers CCPA data privacy requirements. * 7. Your business implemented policies, procedures, and/or processes for receiving, evaluating, managing and responding to requests for access to personal information and other individual rights. * 8. Your business has processes in place to ensure a response is provided to individuals who submitted individual rights requests free of charge and within 45 days of when the organization receives the request. * 9. Your business has a mechanism in place to delete personal information upon request from an individual to whom the information relates. * 10. Your organization sells personal information about individuals under the age of 16. * 11. Your organization has processes to obtain opt-in permission for the sale of personal information about individuals under the age of 16. * 12. Your organization sells personal information and has a mechanism in place for individuals to opt-out of the sale of personal information about them at any time. * 13. Your organization offer different prices, rates, levels or quality of any products or services to individuals who exercise their individual rights. * 14. Your organization has policies and processes in place to ensure that personal information is only used for purposes that are relevant and compatible with the purposes for which it was collected. * 15. Your organization honors “Do Not Sell” requests for at least 12 months prior to requesting that individuals provide permission for the sale of personal information. * 16. Your company has an education or training program in place for all employees regarding CCPA regulations that is updated annually. * By submitting this information, you certify the accuracy of your answers and that you will continue to abide by state data privacy regulations. You further agree not to utilize this on any website that has not gotten through this process and confirmed by our team and only display if approved and usage payment is current. Submit